From the spatial arrangement, figures positions, and
clothing styles in the advertisements, I can see that they emphasized/reinforced
the role of women, men and an ideal of middle-class family. Women’s jobs was doing
domestic works such as cooking, laundry, childcare and be supportive for their
husband; while men were responsible for non-domestic jobs and confidently
behave like center, breadwinner of the family.
From my perspective, these advertisements reaffirm the power of men in
family and quietly “teach” women how to be an “ideal” with underling meaning:
don’t do anything, your job is to stay inactive and serve your family, which is
very wrong, women have a right to do everything else besides doing domestic
jobs, unfortunately, during that period, that was an ideal for a happy family
and some women actually perceived that as happy marriage life.
As the text have mentioned, since 1960, television was a
family’s entertainment, more than 60% households owned T.V sets, we
could imagine how much time people spent to watch T.V. I think that was one of
reason why advertisers thought these advertisements would sell consumer good
and network programming; also advertisers knew exactly who they should target
to, women-family purchasing agents, who mainly stay home, doing housework and
watch T.V every day. Since they have such market with good distribution and
right consumers, these were factors that helped advertisers in my opinion.
Like I said, T.V was entertainment for the whole family, it
brought family together after long day of hardship, it also brought people
closer regarding ethnicity, race, or class. Black was on a friendly term on T.V
with White, even though they still acted as a maid, they were “upper” maid whom
in sitcom, acted as a big mama in the family, a grandmother who received love
from their boss.
Not only T.V showed the change in ethnicity, race and class,
gender roles also have changed a lot

since 1950. An “ideal” woman is being
replaced by strong, independent, intellectual woman who could do both
non-domestic and domestic jobs. Equality is the main topic on T.V. Also, an ideal
of healthy family is not the same as those times; sharing the work, respect
each other are criteria for healthy family. And one thing that I find
interesting is men get intimidated by women in family is on every show (movie,
series) on T.V. That is big change.
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